Wednesday, May 25, 2011

University of Virginia

What makes UVA so special? Answer: Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence, our country's third president and the founder of UVA.  He may have lived 200 years ago but his philosophy and vision live on today in Charlottesville. Jefferson’s belief in democracy, a government by the people and for the people has translated into a university in many ways led by the students.  The student government sets the priorities of the school through student led meetings where the general student population is invited to voice their concerns and desires for the school.  The students are also responsible for defining and enforcing the very stringent honor code which is at the heart of the school culture. The idea that all persons are created equal is even imbedded in the vocabulary.  At UVA, they don't use the terms freshman, sophomore, junior and senior but rather 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year to suggest that no one is superior to another but rather that some students have merely been at the school longer.
Also impacting life at UVA is the fact that the school is one of the most competitive public universities in the country.  The kids here are smart and they work hard.  On the other hand, life is also balanced. Students tend to be physically active and service minded.  UVA is the largest contributor to  the Peace Corps of mid-sized schools in the nation.  The school has also maintained a little of that southern flavor.  It's not unusual to see male students attend football games in jackets and ties and female student to be wearing dresses.  The school also has a lot of fraternities and sororities.  Approximately 30% of the students are members but the parties can seem to dominate the social life on campus on the weekends.  The school is also the home to a few secret societies.  Can't tell you much about that.  They're a secret.
Since UVA is a state school approximately 2/3's of the students are from VA.  The university houses colleges of arts and science, engineering, architecture and nursing.  Their are also upper level schools where students can start participating their third year.  These include, business, public policy and education.

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