Friday, May 27, 2011

Saint Joseph's PA

St Joseph’s is a small liberal arts jesuit university on the outskirts of Philadelphia.  They may be known for their division I sports but there’s much more to this private catholic university.  First to note, may be the school’s saying, “Not For Spectators.”  This expression is indicative of the friendly outgoing and involved student body.  
Education is not limited to the classroom but should be experiential as well.   This plays out in the many programs that require internships for graduation including an optional 5 year b.s. degree from the business school which imbeds 4 internships within the degree requirements so that students have a well established resume upon graduation.  The business school is known for its accounting, marketing and management programs.  It is only one of five schools offering a degree in food marketing.  Five year b.s./m.s. programs are also offered in education, international marketing and psychology as is teacher certification at the elementary and secondary level.The university requires 2 classes in theology and philosophy and three in a foreign language.
Experiential enrichment also occurs outside the academic arena through the extensive community service opportunities offered to and pursued by the students.  Students at St Joe’s are very friendly and school spirited.  The are however, not very diverse ethnically,  geographically, religiously or economically.

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