Friday, May 27, 2011

Drexel University

Drexel was founded during the industrial revolution and its educational philosophy stems from its beginnings.  Drexel believes an education should connect with the new world, incorporate the latest technology and be open to everyone.  To accomplish this, Drexel has developed the cooperative education system which alternates full-time study with full-time employment.  Students apply directly to their major because students need to take classes in their major in their freshman year and build that knowledge base before they start their first internship.  In addition, in preparation for internships, students take a pre-cooperative education course that addresses skills assessment, resume writing, interview preparation, networking and other information critical for entrance into the working world. Drexel doesn’t guarantee internships for each student but 96% of students have an internship prior to the commencement date of the internship period.  If a student is not able to get an internship in time, the career staff helps the student until they have one.  After two weeks into the quarter, all students have internships.  Internships last six months.  Some programs require one internship.  Others require three.    
This process can sound daunting but students say you don’t need to know exactly what you want to do.  However, you do need to have a confident attitude and belief that you'll figure it out.  Sometimes it can take a while and students have to try lots of different things but they figure it out.  Drexel does not provide a lot of hand holding but there are lots of opportunities.  Students need to take the initiative and figure out what they want to do.  Time management and organization are important skills for a Drexel student as well.
Academically, engineering dominates at Drexel. It is one of the strongest and largest programs.  Other popular majors include information science, nursing and biological sciences.  The school also offers some more unusual majors including media arts, fashion design, game art and production, video game track, custom design, product design, and a business engineering program which provides classes to give the student a foundation in engineering but does not extend into higher technical issues.  Instead the program evolves into a focus on business skills and management.
Drexel is in the heart of Philadelphia, integrated into the city and across the street form UPenn.  Not surprisingly, student life reflects this urban location.  Students take advantage of museums, concerts, local bars and restaurants.  On campus, there’s greek life, intramural sports and grassy areas for students to hang out and relax.

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