Friday, August 26, 2011


Davidson is an intellectual, small, liberal arts, charming, southern, school.  The intellectual aspect of the culture should come as no surprise when one considers the average act score is 30.  Small comes from the fact that the school hosts less than 2,000 students.  
Located in Davidson NC, the town grew up around the college.  The school maintains a strong honor code as seen at many other southern schools like UVA and the University of Richmond.  This allows students to feel comfortable leaving their computer, ipad or iphone out on a table if they have to walk away for a few minutes, something many Davidson students greatly appreciate.  
Classes are small (with a cap of 32 for even their large freshman lectures).  They are also viewed as intense relying on high levels of student participation.  Although the expectations are high, students say great things about the professors. Professors are seen as strong teachers and researchers and the school produces a significant amount of research considering its size.  Professors are also seen as always available to help.
The strongest programs at Davidson are Biology, Psychology, English and Political Science.  Students at Davidson on the whole are driven, intelligent wealthy and white.  There is also a significant religious population.   

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