Monday, December 6, 2010

Centre College

A secret jewel hidden in Kentucky, Centre is a small (approximately 1200 students)pictuesque liberal arts college for the all-american kid.  Overflowing with resources, when touring the campus one feels like 3/4 of the buildings have been constructed or renovated in the last 10 years.  Financial resources have also been invested into scholarships and financial aide making Centre consistently recognized as one of the best buys in a college education.  Tuition room and board run around $41,000 but 85% of students reveive finanical aid and the average aid package is $25,000  thereby making 85% of the student populations paying $16,000 annually.
Although one of the oldest schools in the country, as I said for many it is still a secret which is why a majority of its students come from Kentucky.  Students and faculty are incredibly friendly and helpful.  If a student misses class more than once a professor is likely to call and make sure everything is o.k.  Although not a diverse student body, the school does promote worldliness with 85% of the student body participating in study abroad programs.  In fact,  the school will pay for your passport if you don’t already have one.  They also guarantee you will graduate in 4 years or you don’t have to pay for your fifth year.  The most popular areas of study include English, History, Biology, Biochemistry, Economics and Art.

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